washing instructions; if worn daily wash every 7-10 days
1. prior to washing remove all the knots and tangles.
2. fill bowl or sink with tempered water and a little t-range shampoo. immerse the wig or hairpiece in the water. rinse, repeat if desired
3. using your hands smoothe through some t-range softening conditioner. leave this to soak for a few minutes then rinse thoroughly.
4. wrap in a towel to remove the excess water.
5. very gently brush your hair piece or wig place on a poly head or wig stand
6. at this stage whilst it is damp, lightly spray on the t-range soften-sheen. leave to dry naturally overnight
7. in the morning (once dry) shake or brush your wig/hair piece into your desired style
8. for extra hold apply some of our t-range holding spray
fibre advise and FAQ'S
use our t-range fibre products for a prolonged lifespan.
never use intense heat on fibres e.g hairdryers, ceramic irons, curling tongs
avoid opening oven doors and standing under over head heaters. this will damage the fibres
never wash in hot water
when brushing fibres wigs/piece we recommend using a soft brush
please note that eventually the fibres will wear out and fizz - the name for this is friction frizz
our t-range soften n' sheen helps reduce friction frizz and helps ease tangles please apply sparingly a couple times in between washes.
fibres need to be replaced more frequently than human hair. the expected lifespan for the short fibre wig is 4-6 months a mid-length (or bob) is between 3-4 months and a long wig is 2-3 months hair pieces are expected to last 4-6 months. theses these time frames are only approximants and are based on every day wear
fibres cant be bleached or tinted
scrunched/permed models must never be brushed, detangle using your fingers or a wide toothed comb
for a flexible parting select a wig or hair piece with monofilament top
machine welfted wigs/hair pieces have roots teasing this is produced to hide the welfting and foundations underneath - this is called permatese
we do not recommend sleeping in your wig/ hair piece it will cut the life span by half
if you have hair underneath a wig and need more stability we advise you use snap lok clips, kirby grips or wear a wig cap for extra security
more wigs/pieces can be secured with mono tape if you have complete hair loss.